
1Bitsy is an open source hardware and software project and lives by the work of its contributors. Help to make 1Bitsy even more awesome. There are plenty of open issues on GitHub and we need your help.

This tutorial is intended for people who are new to Git, GitHub or open source projects in general. It should help to overcome most of the barriers that newcomers encounter. It describes step by step what you need to do.

For any kind of questions please take a look at our forum.

Create an account on GitHub

If you’re going to contribute code, you’ll need to have an account on GitHub. Go to and set up a personal account.

Install Git on your system

You will need to install Git. This tutorial assumes basic knowledge about Git. Refer to this excellent Git book if you are not sure where to begin. The used terminology will be explained with annotations.

Git is a version control system to track the changes of source code. Hugo depends on smaller third-party packages that are used to extend the functionality. We use them because we don’t want to reinvent the wheel.

Go ships with a sub-command called get that will download these packages for us when we setup our working environment. The source code of the packages is tracked with Git. get will interact with the Git servers of the package hosters in order to fetch all dependencies.

Move back to the terminal and check if Git is already installed. Type in git version and press enter. You can skip the rest of this section if the command returned a version number. Otherwise download the lastest version of Git and follow this installation guide.

Finally, check again with git version if Git was installed successfully.

Git Graphical Front Ends

There are several GUI clients that help you to operate Git. Not all are available for all operating systems and maybe differ in their usage. Thus, so we will use the command line since the commands are everywhere the same.

Set up your working copy

The working copy is set up locally on your computer. It’s what you’ll edit, compile, and end up pushing back to GitHub. The main steps are cloning the repository and creating your fork as a remote.

Clone the repository

You should now copy the 1Bitsy repository of your choosing to your computer. You’ll hear this called “clone the repo”. GitHub’s help pages give us a short explanation:

When you create a repository on GitHub, it exists as a remote repository. You can create a local clone of your repository on your computer and sync between the two locations.

We’re going to clone the master 1bitsy-examples repository. That seems counter-intuitive, since you won’t have commit rights on it. But it’s required for the workflow. You’ll work on a copy of the master and push your changes to your own repository on GitHub.

So, let’s clone that master repository:

git clone

Fork the repository

If you’re not fimiliar with this term, GitHub’s help pages provide again a simple explanation:

A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.

Fork by hand

Open the 1bitsy examples repository on Github and click on the “Fork” button in the top right.

Fork button

Now open your fork repository on GitHub and copy the remote url of your fork. You can choose between HTTPS and SSH as protocol that Git should use for the following operations. HTTPS works always if you’re not sure.

Copy remote url

Switch back to the terminal and move into the directory of the cloned master repository from the last step.

Contributing to the documentation

Perhaps you want to start contributing to the docs. You can find the documentation and the 1bitsy website sources within the 1bitsy-website repository.

The website is built using Hugo. You can start Hugo’s built-in server via hugo server. Browse the documentation by entering http://localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser. The server automatically updates the page if you change its content.