Firmware development with the lights on
1Bitsy & Black Magic, Open Hardware ARM microcontroller platform with an easy to use programmer and debugger.
Run Anywhere
You can develop for 1Bitsy on any operating system you want. Linux, MacOS or Windows.
1BitSy V1.0b beta pinout diagram. github USB HS/FS, 17 TIMs, 3 ADCs, 15 comm. interfaces.
— 1Bitsquared (@1bitsquared) September 14, 2016
Final pinout of the 1Bitsy V1.0d Open Source JTAG enabled dev board. http://github.com/1bitsy/1bitsy-hardware … for all pinouts
— 1Bitsquared (@1bitsquared) September 24, 2016
1Bitsy V1.0d prototypes. Getting ready for @ohsummit . Thanks to @oshpark you will get a 1Bitsy if you come!
— 1Bitsquared (@1bitsquared) September 27, 2016